Oakridge Rooftops Pvt. Ltd., a solar energy company based in India, has reportedly secured funding from Germany-based crowdfunding platform, Bettervest Gmbh. The solar firm has raised the funding for urban solar projects in New Delhi.
Oakridge CEO, Mr. Shravan Sampath says that their firm is pleased to solarize a portion of its Delhi solar property through German crowdfunding. Timing is particularly crucial since India is viewed as a critical catalyst at the next COP 26 conference. He added that there is widespread recognition of India for its role in mitigating climate change.
Notably, this is the first time an Indian solar rooftop company has used the vast European crowdfunding market to fund projects in India. It sets an example for Indian companies to explore newer and advanced ways of international financing to develop clean energy projects in the country.
Bettervest Gmbh CEO, Mr. Marilyn Heib said that Oakridge is one of their most acceptable partners in the solar space. The portfolio of Oakridge rooftops is also one of the only most significant projects they have ever funded to date.
Based on its experience, the firm can affirm that market demand for green initiatives backed by a solid professional management team with a track record remains high. In addition, it was very encouraging to note that, despite the challenging COVID-19 era, Oakridge was able to keep its promise to develop all projects within the agreed-upon timeline, he said.
About Oakridge:
Oakridge Rooftops is a subsidiary of Oakridge Energy, a prominent rooftop solar firm in North India with over 1,000 clients and 400 projects in New Delhi alone.
Government buildings, schools, universities, corporations, industrial and commercial organizations are among its top clientele. Oakridge has a sales, distribution, and after-sales network to provide excellent service to clients in six north Indian states.
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