Xiaomi’s NAVEE N65 e-scooter to enter North America & European markets

By Mateen Dalal

After the successful launch of NAVEE N65 electric scooter late last year on its crowdfunding platform, Chinese tech major Xiaomi is on track to launch the e-scooter into North American and European markets.

The tech company has long been introducing many new electric rideables on Youpin, its crowdfunding platform that is similar to the likes Kickstarter or Indiegogo in the West.

Some of its earlier products include micro-mobility vehicles like larger seated scooters and electric bicycles, while NAVEE N65 is its newest electric two-wheeler that is gaining traction.

Formed under Brightway — the NAVEE brand name — the new electric scooter asserts an inspiring range of around 40 miles (65 km). This range has been achieved by a massive capacity battery rated at 12.5Ah and 48V, resembling a battery size larger than those often seen in many electric bicycles.

Not only does NAVEE N65 come with a large battery, it also offers an equally large motor. The 500w motor enables a decent hill-climbing performance and quick acceleration as well.

The motor has enough juice to get the scooter up to 20 mph (32 km/h), which is slightly faster as compared to the more entry-level electric scooters.

Moreover, it runs on 10″ tires, which are more significant than most of the other starting range electric scooters and are capable of handling obstacles on the road.

According to sources, more electric scooters making are adding bigger tire sizes in their makes for improving comfort and safety.

Speaking of cost, the NAVEE N65 e-scooter was sold on the Youpin platform in China for 3,499 RMB, or approximately US $550. Now, several direct-from-China sites have starting to offer the NAVEE N65 for Western consumers, although its price has been raised to around $650.

Source Credit - https://electrek.co/2022/03/28/xiaomis-new-40-mile-range-navee-n65-electric-scooter-heads-west-to-europe-and-north-america/