Indias Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Giriraj Singh has launched the 'Matsya Setu' smartphone app to spread awareness regarding latest freshwater aquaculture technologies to the country's aqua farmers.
In a statement, the minister stated that improving the capacity of fish farmers is an important aspect of pioneering the country's technology-led aquaculture growth. He believes that the app will benefit farmers by helping them learn about technological improvements and better management methods as per their ease.
According to sources, the app was created by the ICAR-CIFA (ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture) in Bhubaneswar with financing from the National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) in Hyderabad.
The goal of this online course application is to teach the latest freshwater aquaculture technologies to aqua farmers across India. The app has special modules for subject-wise/species-wise self-learning online courses.
Leading experts from aquaculture will explain the basic concepts and practical demonstrations on seed production, breeding and grow-out culture of commercially important fishes like catfish, scampi, ornamental fish, carp, murrel and pearl farming.
The management practices for maintaining the soil and water quality, and feeding and health management in aquaculture operations are also covered in the training platform. The modules are segmented into small video chapters to make it convenient for learners by offering additional learning material.
Quiz/test options for self-assessment have also been provided to motivate learners and create a vibrant learning experience. Farmers can also generate an e-certificate automatically if each course module is completed successfully and can use the app to ask queries.
Reports claim that India is the world's second-largest producer of fish raised in aquaculture. It is also the world's fourth-largest exporter of fish, accounting for 7.7% of global fish production. As of 2017-18, fish exports accounted for 10% of India's overall exports and roughly 20% of agriculture exports. Fisheries and aquaculture production accounts for around 1% of India's GDP, whereas agriculture accounts for 5%.
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